2 thoughts on “Zojirushi coffee makers “coffee communication” stainless black EC-AS60-XB”

  1. Works great! Perfect for 1-2 people. This coffee maker makes great tasting coffee, and is very easy to use. Simply add your water to the tank in the back (with it attached), put in your grounds, turn on the switch. Done! Takes about 7-8 minutes to finish brewing. Everything is a breeze to clean, and the included permanent filter doesn’t stain very easily, which is nice.This particular model has measurement lines to use for making iced coffee (if that is important to you), and also has a brew strength adjustment at the…

  2. it could have a perfect five if not for the on and off switch it could have a perfect five if not for the on and off switch, the first one i bought the switch popped out by itself rendering the device unusable. tis is the second one i purchased just to give the benefit of the doubt. if this one will have a similar problem, i think i need a refund.

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