3-Pack BUNN 100-Count Basket Filter

The BUNN 100-Count Coffee and Tea Filters are specially designed to work with BUNN brewers. The selection of coffee filters is a vital step in brewing perfect coffee. BUNN manufactures the best filters from high quality, heavy weight paper and are uniquely designed for strength. Preventing overflow and grounds in your coffee, they are 1/4-inch taller than other filters to allow for the quick flow of water into the brew funnel and the needed mixing action for complete, even extraction.

Product Features

  • Includes 3-Pack BUNN 100-Count Basket Filter
  • Home-brewer filters made of 100-percent pure virgin fiber
  • Continuously checked for proper porosity, flowrate, and structure
  • Produced for freshness and purity; designed to eliminate overflow
  • 100-percent biodegradable box and filters; FDA approved

3 thoughts on “3-Pack BUNN 100-Count Basket Filter”

  1. Coffee Filters… I purchased the Bunn Coffee Maker, so to me it made sense to buy the filter that’s made by the people who built the coffee maker. The other brands while they may be cheaper are slightly smaller in size so the coffee grounds do overflow into the pot and then we now have what used to be known as “Hobo” style coffee… If I wanted hobo coffee, I would not have purchased the Bunn Coffee Maker.

  2. Could be a bit deeper 100-count filters last two or so months for us. Selecting the right size on line is difficult. I went for the 8-10 cup size home use package and the filters could have been deeper but they are the proper diameter. Basically, each filter contains the grounds during brewing but I can’t just dump the basket in the trash–the filter sticks to the basket. In the end, the coffee in the carafe is clear and I don’t have sediment in the bottom of the cup. As other reviewers point out, the paper…

  3. Perfect filter for my Bunn machine. There the coffee filters I need and they arrived quickly, Bunn machines brew so fast that regular coffee filters can’t handle the water and the grounds end up in the coffee, these are taller and keep the grounds where they belong. They would be five stars except they are coffee filters and I just can’t bring myself to love them.

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